Saturday 14 December 2019


This kind of prediction can be done by designing a classification model which is also known as a classifier. The objective is to predict whether a new patient has a malignant tumour from a set of predicting variables. The confusion matrix shows that Naive Bayes classifier predicted benign cases correctly and two wrong predictions. Classification problem Classification problem refers to predicting the target class for new observations, that is, predicting the output from a given set of predicting variables. Breast Cancer Classification problem The dataset consists of a sample of patients reported to Dr. Library mice is used to overcome the 16 NA by imputing the missing values with the most suited values considering all nine predicting columns in the dataset. r mlbench

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r mlbench

Borges, Lucas Rodrigues, The confusion matrix shows that Naive Bayes classifier predicted benign cases correctly and 3 wrong predictions. The objective is to predict whether a new patient has a malignant tumour from a set of predicting variables.

r mlbench

Detailed description of the dataset can be found in this link https: Classification problem refers to predicting the target class for new observations, that is, predicting the output from a given set of predicting variables.

Classification problem Classification problem refers to predicting the target class for new observations, that is, predicting the output from a given set of predicting mlbfnch.

The mlbench package. It's crantastic!

First Steps Install all the below packages using function install. This kind of prediction can be done by designing a classification model which is also known as a classifier. The confusion matrix shows that Naive Bayes classifier predicted benign cases correctly and 5 wrong predictions. Similarly, the model predicted 71 malignant cases correctly and 6 wrong predictions.

Breast Cancer Classification Problem Analysis

Breast Cancer Classification problem The dataset consists of a sample of patients reported to Dr. The different classification algorithms are explained in https: NaiveBayes, RandomForest and Decision tree algorithms are used here. Missing values is a common problem faced by a dataset.

r mlbench

As all datasets are prepared the next step is to design the classification model using different algorithms and comparing the accuracy of the model. The confusion matrix shows that Naive Bayes classifier predicted benign cases correctly and two wrong predictions.

R: Boston Housing Data

Data Cleaning Missing values is a common problem faced by a dataset. Library mice is used to overcome the 16 NA by imputing the missing values with the most suited values considering all nine predicting columns in the dataset.

The Id column is filtered out as it is not needed for designing the classifier. Similarly, the model predicted 72 malignant cases correctly and 6 wrong predictions.

The classifier is designed using case samples training and test datasets from the population dataset. Similarly, the model predicted 69 malignant cases correctly and 8 wrong predictions. Splitting Dataset into training, test and to predict set.

The dataset consists of a sample of patients reported to Dr. More techniques are mentioned in https:

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